Gebag Klimathon
Gebag Klimathon Logo

Join GEBAG Klimathon!

The 1st official GEBAG Klimathon starts on 06.11.23 and runs until 17.12.23. These 6 weeks are about living more sustainably in everyday working and private life.

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How can I the Join Klimathon?

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Download the GEBAG Klimathon app from the Google PlayStore or Apple App Store. The links to the store can be found above

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Sign in to the app with your GEBAG email address

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Join a team and start the first challenges

And that's what you can win

Great prizes from Duisburg for your efforts!

Ziegenpeter Restaurant Duisburg

Ziegenpeter Duisburg

The Goat Peter in Duisburg shows in its philosophy that social and ecological sustainability play a major role and that both are implemented here.

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1 x €50 voucher

We are giving away a 50€ voucher for the goat peter in Duisburg among all participants!

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1 x 150€ voucher

The best team based on the total climate points collected will receive a voucher worth 150€ for the goat peter!

2.375 /2,500kg CO2 reduced


Our goal: save 2,500 kg of CO2

Together with all participating Gebagians, Gebag wants to save 2,500 kg CO2e in the 6 weeks!

Progress Illustration

How much CO2 has already been saved?

Note: Please be patient. The content included on this page requires complex calculations that can take a few moments

Reduce CO2 easily with the app

With the Gebag app, you can reduce your CO2 emissions in a fun way. During the Klimathon , you will receive exciting content and receive great discounts for your efforts!

Challenges Icon


Exciting challenges from various areas of life motivate sustainable change

Calendar Icon


Track your footprint & travel routes, compare CO2-Emissions and discover potential savings

Giftbox Icon


Collect climate points diligently and receive great rewards from our sustainability partners

Community Icon


Exciting competitions and KlimaGoodNews create a real sense of togetherness during the Klimathon

KlimaRallye App Mockup

Get great rewards

For your commitment, you will receive climate points, which you can redeem for sustainable offers from our partners!

Points alt Icon

15% Rabatt für gerettetes Obst & Gemüse!

etepetete hat bereits 4.970.000​ kg Obst & Gemüse aufgrund der Farbe, Form oder Größe gerettet. Werde auch Du Lebensmittelretter:in und bestelle Dir Deine erste Box mit gerettetem Bio-Obst und -Gemüse!

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10% Rabatt auf nachhaltiges Waschmittel

Einfach mit Kuno waschen. Die Kuno Waschmittel Streifen sind frei von Einwegplastik, vegan und nachhaltig.

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5% auf vegetarische und vegane Lebensmittel bei KoRo

Bei uns findest Du eine große Auswahl haltbarer vegetarischer und veganer Lebensmitteln in praktischen Großpackungen. Damit füllen wir nicht nur Deine Vorräte auf, sondern ersparen Dir auch Verpackungsmüll.

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30€ Cashback für dein erstes Impact-Investment

Mit ecoligo investierst du wirklich nachhaltig. Bereits ab 100€ kannst du weltweit grüne Energieprojekte mitfinanzieren. Lass dein Geld für den Planeten arbeiten!

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10% Rabatt für Hafermilch

Mit den pflanzlichen Haferdrinks von UNMILK verbrauchst du 21x weniger CO2, 10x weniger Wasser und 8x weniger Anbaufläche als bei herkömmlicher Kuhmilch.

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15% Rabatt auf natürliche Snacks

Auf Foodloose bekommst du natürliche, vegane Snacks. Qualität und eigene, entwickelte Rezepturen stehen im Mittelpunkt


Declaration of consent

With the app “Gebag Klimathon” from the service provider 2zero, you have the opportunity to participate in Klimathon. You can your personal CO2-Calculate footprint and reduce them based on various challenges. When determining CO2Footprints and challenges require different information about your habits and behaviours, and personal data is also processed. For this purpose, we therefore need your following data protection consent:

By downloading the app and participating in the challenges, I agree that the data collected as part of using the app will be processed for the above-mentioned purpose. Insofar as the information collected also contains information about sensitive data, such as information about my health, my consent also applies to this. My consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time (for example by deleting my account). Failure to give my consent has no further effect, but simply means that I cannot use the app and cannot participate in the challenges. For more information on the type and scope of data processing within the app and about my rights, I can contact Privacy notices remove.

How do I sign up?

You can now download the free app “G” at Google Play Store or Apple app store download and install on your smartphone or tablet. Please note the data protection information mentioned above. You join our community by opening the app and signing in with your email address. Following your registration, you will receive an email from 2zero for verification using an individual code. Please check the spam folder if necessary. Then just enter the code and start!

2zero app on Google Play
2zero app in the Apple App Store

How do I create a team?

If you want to save CO2 together with your friends, you can set up a team together with other participants or join an existing one. Note that you must have at least 3 people on your team, otherwise you won't appear on the leaderboard.

Simply go to the “Community” tab in the app. There, you can create your own team or join one of the existing teams. From the official start of the Klimathon, you can then collect climate points for your team together.

How do I calculate my CO2-Footprint?

In the next step, you can have your personal CO₂ footprint calculated. You can also do this before the Klimathon starts.

You can find the CO2 calculator in the “My footprint” app area and click on “Edit” (top right) to enter detailed information here. The CO2 calculator was developed together with the Fraunhofer Institute and is scientifically based. Answering the questions is voluntary. If you can't or don't want to answer a question, a German average is automatically assumed. However, the result is of course more accurate if you answer the questions individually and truthfully.

Complete challenges

From the official start of the Klimathon, there are 4-6 new challenges from professional or private life to choose from every week, which you can take on. Choose the tasks that are right for you and collect points. Each week, new challenges are added that match the respective topic. You can also take on multiple challenges at the same time. If you have successfully completed a weekly task, mark it at the end of the week by clicking on the green field “Yes” for “Completed.” Please be honest, because that is the only way to make it a fair competition.

Based on your individual information, the climate points currently achieved for your team are automatically calculated, and the average value is calculated. So it doesn't matter how many members your team has, what counts is the commitment of each individual. You can see how your team is doing compared to the others in the community section of the app on the leaderboard.

How do I get rewards?

You can redeem your collected climate points within the app with selected partners for discounts or vouchers. The offer ranges from sustainable laundry detergent to a fashion leasing service and vegan food - there is sure to be something you like.

The end of the climactic

You can join the Klimathon at any time, because it is never too late to start with the CO2-Start saving. At the end of the six weeks, it will be clear which team was the most committed and how much CO2 We were all able to save money together as a community.

Let's go!

Download the Gebag Klimathon app, join a team, complete challenges and save CO2!

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Die 2zero App engagiert zu gemeinsamen Handeln im Klimaschutz